Sixth Year Senior

What is this? A blog post? It’s been a while since you’ve seen a new one of these babies… I thought for a minute there, I was starting to hear crickets!

Ahh yes- life is in full swing! As I mentioned in our last post (5,4,3,2,1)- school is back in session. I don’t know if I’ve ever recapped my “educational journey” on the blog, so I’ll do a quick rundown of why I’m still in college.

I started out at Denison University in Granville, OH after graduating high school in 2006. I ran Cross Country and Track, and after a horrible freshman year, my sophomore and junior years were some of the best years EVER!


Daniel and I started dating the summer after our sophomore year (to read more about our story, click here!) I was a biology major, super interested in most of my classes, and I was doing great in school! Denison is a small, private, liberal-arts college- so it seemed like all of my classes were interconnected and linked with one another and with the “real world”.


I made some WONDERFUL friends, and had a blast just being a student athlete!


runningDuring Summer of 2009 I went to Kenya on a Medical Mission trip through Mi2. This old blog recaps that entire summer, and this post even hints at my thoughts on returning  to Denison.


Due to finances, my parents divorce and my experience in Kenya- I just knew God was telling me not to return to Denison that fall. I instead enrolled at the University of Kentucky for Fall 2009. Partly to be in the same place as Daniel, and partly to be closer to my family (including my two awesome, blogging sisters- Maggie and Catherine!)


I attended one semester at UK, and it rocked my world. Huge classes, living off campus, no friends (other than Daniel). It was a rough semester. I started the Spring 2010 semester, but then I dropped out (<—check out that post for “in the moment” details).

So, after getting married in May 2010, and taking two semesters off, getting a dog and working, I’m back in the school game! (And, if Silas can graduate puppy school, I can certainly graduate college)


I’ve got roughly 30 hours to complete at UK to graduate, and most of the classes are undergrad classes! I’m only going part-time right now as Daniel is a full time student (graduating in May 2012!) I plan on going back full-time once Daniel is finished with his undergrad (he’s an Econ major!)

If you stuck with me, THANK YOU! And I promise I’ll post something fun this weekend Smile

Sixth Year Senior